© 2025 BreakTHrough
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All rights reserved.
Developed by Hello
Chinese Performances
Charisma of an ancient culture
Taste the best of the Orient with our diverse range of dance and acrobatic acts from China. Each performance embraces the diversity of this country, from folk tales delivered in glittering movements, or acts on the unicycle that will leave your guests breathless with amazement.
Here are the performances that you can choose from.
Questions to ask yourself before embarking on an entertainment booking journey
- Are you absolutely sure you need Entertainment for your event?
- Do you have a budget of minimum 15,000 USD?
- Are you prepared to pay the full fee upfront?
- Do you have all the necessary details of your event at hand i.e. Event theme, date and location?
- BREAKTHROUGH will direct it's vast experience to negotiate the best rates for you.
- BREAKTHROUGH will assist you to find the Entertainment best suited for your budget.
- BREAKTHROUGH will guide you through the entire Entertainment booking process from A to Z to give you total peace of mind.
- BREAKTHROUGH can take care of the entire hospitality and logistics arrangements (Flights, Hotel bookings, Ground Transfers, Catering, etc) from start to end.
- BREAKTHROUGH can also support you with creative entertainment options for your Event theme.
- Once the contract is signed, BREAKTHROUGH will assign you a Project Manager who will make sure your contractual requirements are completely fulfilled.