Important details about celebrity booking in 2019

Important details about celebrity booking in 2019

How to book celebrity appearance

When you organize your event, you want it to be outstanding and unforgettable. Definitely, a celebrity is what adds an extra WOW-effect to your event. At BreakTHrough, we have enormous experience in celebrity booking for a large variety of events in UAE, GCC, and worldwide. Therefore, we make the procedure easy for you and deliver you the best result. First of all, you need to select a personality who will perfectly fit your occasion. The main factors here are:

  • Event type, its occasion and main goal,
  • Your guest preferences and tastes,
  • Possible empathy of the targeted personality for your event, brand, or product.

  • Secondly, we contact the celebrity’s representative to check his client availability and willingness to do your event. For this purpose, our agent together with you makes a list of focus questions related to your event, such as:

  • Date,
  • Type and audience,
  • Sponsors,
  • Timeframe,
  • Celebrity task,
  • Fee budget.

  • At last, if the star is available and willing to do your event, we make a firm offer and start negotiations. As an experienced celebrity booking agency, we do our best to comply with your interests. So, we take pride in our ability to make a deal that honors both sides.

    How much does celebrity booking cost?

    This is the most interesting but complicated question. Firstly, there are no set prices in this industry. And still, there is one rule here worth to pay attention to. A-listers typically charge more than lower tiers. Of course, wondering through the Internet, you may come across some celebrity booking prices. However, do not allow them to mislead you, as they are no more than a Mirage of real costs. Secondly, your total costs can be divided into two main groups:

  • Celebrity fee,
  • Associated costs.

  • Celebrity fee

    A fee is the amount of money for which a star agrees to attend your event. As we mentioned earlier, the celebrity booking industry has no set and transparent prices. On the contrary, there are many factors that affect the fee celebrity would like to charge:

  • Date,
  • Event type,
  • Timeframe,
  • Task,
  • Venue and its capacity.

  • Moreover, a celebrity’s representative doesn’t have any price list to give you at your request. On the contrary, it is you who are to make a proposal, where you specify the fee you are ready to pay to your targeted celebrities. However, it’s up to them to decide whether to accept your proposal or decline.

    Associated costs

    Associated costs arise from the need to organize star appearance on your event. In other words, it is you who covers all expenses associated with your targeted personality coming and doing your event. These costs spread over the whole team of the celebrity and include:

  • Travel and accommodation,
  • Ground transportation,
  • Food and drinks.

  • In addition, you will probably have extra expenses as you have to meet your celebrity’s rider requirements. They may include costs of:

  • Equipment,
  • Staging,
  • Sound
  • Lighting.

  • Thus, your associated costs may be no less than the fee.

    Of course, all this may seem quite confusing and challenging for you. But do not forget, we are here to assist you. Using our extensive celebrity booking experience, we will suggest where to start and how to go forward to get the desired personality for your event.

    Sport Celebrities

    How do you feel about running your event with a bit (or a lot?) of power and confidence that come from sport as a culture? If you are positive, it’s high time to secure a Sport Celebrity for your event.

    Social Media Influencers

    Looking for fresh and modern ideas about how to appeal to your guests? Book one of Social Media Influencers who your guests would be glad to follow and enjoy the results.

    Fashion Celebrities

    Organizing a fashion show or after party? Strive to take the best of the fashion word? Select a Fashion Celebrity that meets your event goal and bring in it a lot of charm and popularity.

    Celebrity Actors & Actresses

    Need support of a film star for your brand? Or just like big names to be associated with your outstanding event? Find a Celebrity Actor or Actress who matches your occasion the most.

    Music Celebrities

    Do you appreciate the idea to entertain your guests with a marvelous musical performance? If so, look through our huge Music Celebrities database and choose the one who is right for your event.

    Culinary Celebrities

    Want to organize an unforgettable culinary party or other event related to cooking experience? Book a Culinary Celebrity to add a few notes of exceptional culinary mastership and a plume of well-known chef names.

    Kids Celebrities

    Do you target a children audience and want to win their love and trust? Book one of Kids Celebrities depending on the type of your brand and your product to boost efficiency of your event.

    Celebrity Speakers

    Anticipate great audience involvement? Leave it to one of Celebrity Speakers to deliver valuable ideas to your audience. Let them make their best speech on your occasion.

    Celebrity Comedians

    Plan to run an event in a humorous style? Or, maybe you would like to end it with a good comedian performance? Have a good laugh with one of available Celebrity Comedians.

    Celebrity booking agency Breakthroughdxb

    Having right celebrities at your event is more than half of your event success. Whether their role is to host your event or just to walkthrough, they add tremendous value to it. At BreakTHrough, we walk you through the entire celebrity booking procedure easy and stress free, doing our best to benefit you.

    Some photos from this year's events

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